KTYBL Welcomes Tasha Hill

Dec 23, 2023    Maggie Kavanaugh, Tasha Hill

Our vision at Miriam House is to see women set FREE from the bondages of addiction and life- controlling issues. We want to see them walking in a completely new identity. One where they do not identify as women in recovery, but as HEALED & RECOVERED! Our goal is to see destructive GENERATIONAL CYCLES BROKEN and to see FAMILIES RESTORED.

We are a faith-based recovery program. We believe that a personal relationship with Jesus Christ through a born-again experience, and applying biblical principles, allows a person to walk in a NEW IDENTITY. We believe that a woman will not even be the same woman that she was while in addiction and dysfunction. The Bible teaches in 2 Corinthians 5:17 that if anyone is in Christ, they are a NEW CREATION. This is exactly what we have been seeing in the lives of the women who enter Miriam House... TRUE TRANSFORMATION & LIFE RECOVERY!